METAMORPHOSIS Project 12th Monthly Management Meeting and 3rd Steering Committee Meeting
From Design to Production: Digital Transformation of the Apparel Sector in Türkiye METAMORPHOSIS Project 12th Monthly Management Meeting...
METAMORPHOSIS Project 12th Monthly Management Meeting and 3rd Steering Committee Meeting
EKOTEKS Trainings Held On 17-18-20 October
İHKİB SME Transformation Center (DDM) Social Compliance Trainings Continue
İzmir Infoday Meeting Held Hosted by EİB
Registrations Ongoing for SME Transformation Unit (DDM) Social Compliance Trainings
Bursa Infoday Meeting Held Hosted by BUTEKOM
Digital Maturity Assessment Studies continue
Mehmet Muş, Minister of Trade, Visits our Project Center
Kick-off Meeting of the Technical Assistance Project aimed at Digital Transformation was Held
Mustafa Varank, Minister of Industry and Technology, Visits our Project Centre